About Us

What We Do

Dusty Sandals exists to uplift and encourage South Asian followers of Christ in their work, and to enable their ministry through translation of Bible study materials into local languages.

  • Although there are translations of the Bible in many South Asian languages, there are very few study materials or resources which are essential for understanding and teaching the Bible.
  • That's why Dusty Sandals is committed to developing study materials in the native tongues of South Asia.

How We Do It

All our translation is done by qualified South Asian personnel who have a heart to serve the Lord in their country.

  • Dusty Sandals is dedicated to the followers of Christ who walk the streets and pathways of South Asia, serving their country by offering the “living water”.
A Women's Study Group in Nepal

Our History

Our founding Canada Director lived in South Asia for years beginning in the 1970's, developing lifelong friendships with followers of Jesus residing in those countries. Inspired by their lives and devotion to the Lord Jesus and His work, Dusty Sandals Canada was established in 1996.

  • Since then Dusty Sandals has created a branch in the USA, and a donation access in the UK for the ongoing work.
  • Visits each year to our South Asian partners by Dusty Sandals associates continues our decades-long relationships and mutual encouragement as disciples of Jesus.

This site is dedicated to those followers of Christ who walk the streets and pathways of South Asia serving their country by presenting the "living water" in culturally sensitive and appropriate ways and who seek to be the "fragrance of Christ" in their context. The purpose of this site is to provide resources to aid and encourage the devotees of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Meet Our Canada Board

  • Dr. Carl Amerding, Ladner, BC
  • Sherry Bailey, White Rock, BC
  • Dr. Dauna Cutforth, Richmond, BC
  • Dr. Ian Hers, Richmond, BC
  • Rev. Daniel Hilson, Surrey, BC
  • Dr. Greg Hislop, Delta, BC
  • Daniel Ko, North Vancouver, BC
  • Ashish Kumar, Abbotsford, BC
  • Charanjit Kumar, Richmond, BC
  • Dr. Gerald Neufeld, Ladner, BC
  • Shakuntala Pond, West Vancouver, BC

Meet Our USA Board

  • Judith Ayer, Memphis, TN
  • Rodney Bailey, Rome, GA
  • Tom Frazier, Memphis TN
  • Keith Graham, Kalispell, MT
  • Susan Graham, Kalispell, MT
  • William Kauffman, Coeur d'Alene, ID

Friends of the Ministry

Biblical resources in local languages are key to strengthening and encouraging our brothers and sisters in Christ. I have given my life to teaching Scripture and am delighted to be part of Dusty Sandals Canada as they work to fulfill their mandate.

Dr. Carl Armerding, Vancouver, BC


I have been a Board member with Dusty Sandals for the past 20 years and have had the opportunity to travel with them to visit and pray with local South Asia believers. The need for Biblical resources is a frequent request and it is from this need that Dusty Sandals has responded.

Dr. Greg Hislop, Delta, BC.

Dusty Sandals

Dusty Sandals is a registered charity in Canada (8808 9851 RR0001) and in the US (47 5059865). The Boards of Directors give oversight to the purpose and direction of the ongoing work.

Income tax receipts are issued annually by our administrative partners The Great Commission Foundation (8599 2848 3 RR0001) in Canada, and by Friends of the Great Commission in the USA (46 5506318).